

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Edfucational Qualifications

Educational  Qualification:

1.    S.S.C  (Science)                                     -  1st Divisin
2.  Diploma in Engineering (Electrical)             -  1st Class
3.  B. Sc Engineering (EEE)                            - 1st Class 3rd Place (DUET)

Practical Experiance:

1.   Teaching Servicing in the Ploytechnic Institute since 1990.

Computer Pfiiency:

1. Comuter Hardware and troubleshooting
2. Computer Operating System
3. Programming Language
4. Office Package
5. Auto CAD
6. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
7. Web page Design
8. Internet etc.

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Family

# Engr. Md. Anwar Hossain
        B. Sc Engr. (EEE), DUET. Bangladdesh.
        Head of the Department Telecommunicationn Technology
        Tangail Polytechnic Institute, Tangail, Bangladdesh.

# Rehena Akter   (Wife)
        B. Sc B.Ed, Bangladdesh.

# Md. Ar. Rafi Hossain Refat (Son 1)
        Student , Class-Eight

# Md. Ahsanul Hossain Rehan(Son 2)
        Student , Class-Eight

# Adiba Hossain Riza (Daughter)